Do You Believe?

I’ve known my boyfriend of 4 years for 10 years, and it wasn’t until we started dating that I had the conversation of my life. Within the first year of dating I discovered that although he is a relatively loved person he can be weird and believe in strange things. My love and I believe in Scientology. For those of you who don’t know what that is; it is a form of religion where we believe in the bible as well as scientific matters, I believe there is a god I just think he is not of this world.

Conversations like this do not come out of nowhere, not many people will out right state that they believe in the “unknown“. Most of the time we were under the influence (alcohol) when we would spark the conversations with our close friends. I find it amazing that so many people believe and yet we are all scared to say so.

Events through out time have done nothing but intrigue me further into this belief; Rosswell, Coral Castle, the pyramids located throughout the earth, and of corse the ever so famous Area 51. I started blogging my bucket list and what made me decided to write this instead was one of the things on my bucket list was to be admitted to enter Area 51 beyond the gates so I can “have a look around” of corse that would never happen. This blog is here to ask my fellow believers, what made you believe? Have you seen something out of this world; did you witness an unexplainable phonomena?

This is not my best blog but I feel I should be careful of what it is that I am blogging about, my option is my own, but I’m curious to know all of yours. Comment and follow 🙂


4 thoughts on “Do You Believe?”

    1. True. My blog is for those who believe and I want to know what it was that made you believe do you see something hear something or experience something 😊👽👽

      1. Everyone knows that this country has secrets of alien encounters, but they don’t want to reveal it to not to scare us all civilians. But, my theory is that these aliens want to be left alone and they won’t be coming back here. So, we’re fine.

      2. I think they will come back, not for some horrible overtaking of planet earth or anything but I think they have left things behind that show they might return, I don’t think we will ever witness anything like our ancestors did but I do think they come and go and we just don’t know

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